This is a logical result if we consider the monophagy of this insect that lives on its own nutritious plant.

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The middle-aged participants had given much thought about how to promote harmonious relationships with their children, and they prepared nutritious food and soups for them.
It is cultivated for fodder, the pods containing a those who already have some kind of vested nutritious pulp rich in protein.
At the most basic level, food expenditure may have been skewed towards more easily prepared but less nutritious items.
Many thought price premiums are also justified because they perceived organic products to be healthier, more nutritious and more delicious.
Home-made soups are usually better but need to contain meat, milk, peas, beans or lentils to be really nutritious.
Nutritious foods for crickets are sold at the hua-niao-yu-chong market, next to the crickets and the implements for looking after them.
It has further tended to decrease yam cultivation, and the crop is being replaced by cassava, even though the latter is less nutritious.
Many of these crops are nutritious, valued culturally, adapted to harsh environments, and diverse in terms of their genetic, agro-climatic and economic niches.

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Legume-maize intercropping enables farmers to produce nutritious foods from the legumes, while maintaining production of the maize starch-staple each year.
Surely then there was need for the woman to have as much nutritious and sustaining food as possible.
Besides the mentioned changes, they would eat less spicy food, take fewer night-snacks, and have nutritious soup more often.
Herbivores should thus prefer the softer and more nutritious leaves of the phorophyte over the low-quality food of epiphyte leaves.





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