Trong bài viết này, năng lực giao tiếp liên văn hóa (ICC) được nhìn nhận như sự kết hợp giữa bình diện tri nhận và bình diện cảm nhận, có quan hệ tương tác động với bình diện hành vi. Các mô hình ICC khác nhau được trình bày, bàn luận một cách có phê phán và mô hình của tác giả được đưa ra giới thiệu.

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Tóm tắt: Trong bài viết này, năng lực giao tiếp liên văn hóa (ICC) được nhìn nhận như sự kết hợp giữa
bình diện tri nhận và bình diện cảm nhận, có quan hệ tương tác động với bình diện hành vi. Các mô hình
ICC khác nhau được trình bày, bàn luận một cách có phê phán và mô hình của tác giả được đưa ra giới thiệu.

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In this article, research approaches (contrastive or cross-cultural, interactive or intercultural, and interlanguage) to communication between interactants with different cultural backgrounds are presented. Hypothesis of ‘why miscommunication and communication breakdown?’ is given. Pragmatic failure with mismatch and asymmetry is categorised, grouped and analysed.

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The article proposes a model of intercultural communicative competence. The need for further reflection on this topic derives from two facts: existing models are not built on Dell Hymes' model of communicative competence (cc), although they use Hymes' term 'cc' is used; our discussion in this essay starts from a definition of cc in Hymes' tradition and studies what changes are needed to make it fit to describe intercultural cc; most models are, in fact, not 'models'. According to the theory of models, models aim at being universal, based on formal logic rather than empirical evidence, and this is extremely important in ICC studies where empirical research is always partial. The result is a new instrument to analyse, describe and teach ICC.
An important study just published regarding the impact of Intercultural Educational Exchange ProgramsDr. Alvino E. Fantini, Professor Emeritus, SIT Graduate Institute, just published an important work related to educational exchange and study abroad, titled: Intercultural Communicative Competence in Educational Exchange: A Multinational Perspective (Routledge, 2019). The work includes two important research projects that explore the nature of intercultural communicative competence (ICC), its development during intercultural exchange (summer, short term, and semester programs), and the impact of these experiences on the lives of alumni up to 20 years later. The research was conducted in eight countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States) involving over 2,000 individuals plus over 200 host families and explores the significance of these programs in transforming people’s lives, told in both quantitative statistics and qualitative narratives. It also identifies program aspects that most contribute to their intercultural experience, highlighting family homestays and developing host language proficiency as most significant.The work has been described as a highly original contribution to the intercultural communication literature, basing its multinational perspective of ICC on an extensive literary search in six languages and spanning 50 years to identify ICC’s multiple components, to develop comprehensive assessment tools, and to assess its development and impact on exchange participants in multiple countries. For further information, click on the following link:, if interested, assessment instruments used in this research (in multiple languages), can be obtained by going to the following website and clicking on “Instruments”:

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