Slightly cooler-than-usual temperatures were recorded worldwide and brilliant sunsets and sunrises were attributed to the particulates this eruption lofted high into the stratosphere.

Đang xem: Hoàng hôn tiếng anh là gì

Dust from erosion acts to suppress rainfall and changes the sky color from blue to white, which leads to an increase in red sunsets.
Shows have been highlighted by sunsets, eagles, seagulls, gophers, wind, light rain, and timely cloud breaks.
The relatively high latitude means early sunsets (as early as 4:15 pm) and late sunrises (as late as 8:10 am).
He often painted sunsets, in which he aimed to achieve impressive effects of light and colour by simple means.
In the early 1980s he produced a series of paintings of words over sunsets, night skies and wheat fields.
All indirect measurements were only taken during uniformly overcast sky conditions or after sunset (mostly after 1700 h).
The centrepiece of the building is a 5000 m2 artificial beach, where a giant 150by40 m screen forms the horizon to offer sunrises and sunsets.
Changing the concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere can dramatically affect the appearance of sunsets.

Xem thêm: Gạch Lát Gạch Tiếng Anh Là Gì, Lát Gạch Trong Tiếng Anh Là Gì

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