Almost every acre of land has been utilized, rationally planned and arranged or frozen into a nature reserve.

Đang xem: Khu bảo tồn tiếng anh là gì

Plot 7 lies in a pristine area designated as a “nature reserve“, and has never received any such treatment.
Hatched lines show approximate extents of central nature reserve that is covered by primary or tall secondary rain forests.
It became a nature reserve in 1965 and is now an important conservation site serving as a refuge for several endemic species.
The building is intended to attract wildlife – extending the idea of the nature reserve right up to and under the building.
Unlike the other classrooms, it is a stand-alone building and is set next to a large pond, a nature reserve in a lovely wooded and green setting.
The nature reserve regenerated itself pretty quickly and returned back to gravel, but the intention was to use it for waste disposal.
The declaration of national nature reserve is at the heart of the agencies” statutory responsibilities.
One cannot do the same with a marine nature reserve unless one has agreement with as many people as possible.
As regards the marine nature reserve, we believe that getting the agreement of all those involved is the right way to proceed.

Xem thêm: (Tên Cơ Quan Chủ Quản Là Gì ? Nghĩa Của Từ Chủ Quản Trong Tiếng Việt

One therefore has to get agreement from a number of people before a nature reserve can be established.
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