Furthermore, the fluorescent sources had conventional magnetic ballasts and therefore were subject to luminous flicker, whereas incandescent lamps do not flicker.

Đang xem: Dạ quang tiếng anh là gì

Behind this front both ionization and electrical conductivity decay to a lower value at the trailing edge of the luminous gas.
We think that, in its substance, it would have the ephemeral material and luminous qualities of a passing thing.
In a rather subdued decade, these books easily pass muster as the most luminous examples of scholarship in agrarian history.
With vivid syncopations, two familiar klezmer tunes resumed before a slow, slinky “bulgar” dance emerged, contrasted to the soloists” luminous, silky harmonics.
Walls in vibrant contrasting tones glow in the sunlight, and the photographs convey the sensation of being inside a luminous painting.
Researchers also should pay further attention to the possible role of luminous modulation to determine the optimal lighting system characteristics for the daily light exposure.
Panegyrists and artists alike drew on a variety of luminous symbols to acclaim or represent the entering ruler.
Under these conditions, the inner region appears white: the light red discolors and appears white with both surface color and luminous qualities.
This may be associated with a steep rise of the ionization and electrical conductivity t o that value appropriate to the luminous shock front.
Only the fluid retained by the envelope works as a messenger, and the messages are neither luminous nor electric, mechanical, vibratory, or caloric.

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Many performances by this orchestra have swept me up into whole heavens of sound, full of luminous, glittering stars.
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An area of land or a place that is sun-baked is very dry and obviously receives a lot of sun.

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