inline-table: The inline-table value does not have a direct mapping in HTML. It behaves like a

HTML element, but as an inline box, rather than a block-level box. Inside the table box is a block-level context.

Đang xem: Display inline-block là gì

inline-block: The element generates a block element box that will be flowed with surrounding content as if it were a single inline box (behaving much like a replaced element would).

It seems that whatever could be done with inline-table can be done with inline-block.

html css
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edited Nov 26 “15 at 1:29


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asked Oct 14 “13 at 0:58


Steve BarnaSteve Barna
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3 Answers 3

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Both inline-block and inline-table have an inline outer display role. That means

The element generates an inline-level box.

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The difference is that

However, in most cases, inline-table will behave like inline-block because of anonymous table objects:

Generate missing child wrappers:

If a child C of a “table” or “inline-table” box is not a proper table child, then generate an anonymous “table-row” box around C and all consecutive siblings of C that are not proper table children. If a child C of a “table-row” box is not a “table-cell”, then generate an anonymous “table-cell” box around C and all consecutive siblings of C that are not “table-cell” boxes.

Therefore, if your inline-table element has non-tabular content, that content will be wrapped in an anonymous table-cell.

And table-cell has a flow-root inner display model, just like inline-block.

But if the inline-table has tabular content, it will behave differently than inline-block.

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Some examples:

Inside an inline-block, cells with non-tabular separator will generate different table anonymous parents, so they will appear at different lines. Inside an inline-table, it will be the separator who will generate a table-cell parent, so they all will appear at the same row.

.itable { display: inline-table;}.iblock { display: inline-block;}.cell { display: table-cell;}.wrapper > span { border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;} inline-table
table-cell inline-block table-cell
table-cell inline-block table-cell

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