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Đang xem: Get high nghĩa là gì
For 186 individuals, mainly high–up lianas mingled with the canopy foliage, sampling was not possible because no foliage was obtainable. I think that some high–up person in politics actually said that he regarded the modern age as the most civilised age we have ever had. It is, therefore, a pleasure for me to come into contact with another high–up member of a trade union. How wise he was to say that we, the railwaymen, and even the high–up railwaymen, are still human beings with distinctly individual preferences at times. One conclusion that the study made was that he must have been a pretty high–up member in that society because the burial was very elaborate.
Đang xem: ” Get High Nghĩa Là Gì Và Cách Dùng Trong Tiếng Anh
Xem thêm: Thế Nào Là Vi Khuẩn Không Điển Hình Là Gì, Viêm Phổi Không Điển Hình
The other objections, which are all concentrated round the words “singled out “, are that some of the high-ups were not called. There has been a good deal of criticism among people in my constituency about the way in which visits by high-ups to the works have been conducted in recent times. In any country, military high-ups would resist such vast reforms, so prejudicial to their own status and to what they have always believed, preached and worked for.
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” Get High Nghĩa Là Gì ? Get High Nghĩa Là Gì Và Cách Dùng Trong Tiếng Anh 8
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