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Đang xem: Nghĩa Của Từ Happy Go Lucky Là Gì

All the figures, with thick lips and wide, happygolucky grins (wholly inappropriate to the perilous mission), are mordant caricatures of the old stereotype.
The media world, in which we are at home, is fleeting and happygolucky; today, already, other images are making the news.
We cannot have this haphazard, happygolucky cash allowance that we have now, running up at this rate.
The herring fishing industry has suffered acutely from the loss of its export trade, from depreciated currencies and the happygolucky organisation of the industry.
At present there exists a happygolucky state of affairs, and the matter is one which, in my opinion, requires immediate attention.
We came to the conclusion that it was to be a friendly, happygolucky sort of place where people exchanged views.
The pendulum must sooner or later swing from permissive attitudes, the happygolucky idea and wage chasing to high standards, and, with that, productivity and employment will rise.
It simply goes on to stereotype the prevailing system of agriculture and the happygolucky organisation which has produced the chaos into which they have now fallen.
I know that many of my old comrades are in indigent circumstances, in some cases largely because of the happygolucky and improvident way of the ex-service man.
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