someone who has been forced to leave their home, especially because of war or a natural disaster (= something that causes a lot of damage) such as an earthquake, flood, etc.

Đang xem: Internally displaced persons là gì


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How, in practice, will the brigade commander decide who is a displaced person and who is a freedom fighter?
Again, the local housing authority is alerted and has a duty to accommodate a displaced person where alternative accommodation is not otherwise available.
The pre-war housing estates, resettlement areas, displaced person areas, with no character and little neighbourliness, were unsociable places.
Any displaced person who feels aggrieved by compulsory direction to particular work will have a right of appeal.
No displaced person, however, comes within the field of recruitment for employment in this country who has not previously been screened as a condition of receiving displaced person”s status.
The average worker is afraid that when he is down the mine some displaced person will steal things from his home or do worse things to his family and home.
A displaced person is the same as a forced migrant, meaning one who is forced to leave his/her own country.
The internally displaced person generally refers to one who is forced to migrate for reasons other than economic conditions, such as war or persecution.
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An area of land or a place that is sun-baked is very dry and obviously receives a lot of sun.

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