Figure 1 shows results for s = 0.5 (the plot with stars) and s = 1.0 (the plot with diamonds), both cases representing incomplete pass-through.

Đang xem: Kim cương tiếng anh là gì

A map of all our simulations used in the present paper is given in figure 3, where the steady wavetrains are shown as open diamonds.
The diamonds and crosses indicate the current locations of the observer and the evader, respectively.
Not “for the chamber full of diamonds ” would he gamble his enterprise against a single, merciful warning.
Each vertical line represents the 10th to 90th percentile range for each year, and the diamonds indicate the median valuation error.
The normalized residuals show the contribution to the absorption of the ammonia line thick solid line with diamonds!.
During the 1960s and 1970s, diamonds accounted for about 60 per cent of the country”s foreign exchange.
He believes that these are metaphorically represented in the physical and verbal exchanges over the diamonds (80).
Open symbols are color-discrimination thresholds (white vs. 618 nm diamonds, white vs. 516 nm circles, white vs. 456 nm triangles).
Open diamonds represent soma sizes of all cells within the retinal ganglion cell layer excluding glial cells!.
Filled diamonds represent cells that were peripherally modulated, and open circles represent cells that were not influenced by peripheral stimulation.

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a type of modern music originally developed by African-Americans, with a rhythm in which the strong notes often come before the beat. Jazz is usually improvised (= invented as it is played).

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