It included frills and cravats, wide ties and trouser straps, leather boots and even collarless jackets.

Đang xem: Cà vạt tiếng anh là gì

Long sleeved shirts must always be worn with a tie or cravat, worn with or without a jersey or fleece.
The abacost was a lightweight short-sleeved suit, worn without a tie, though sometimes with a cravat.
Characteristics include tightly-cut coats with extravagantly large lapels, typically in a different colour, with large and elaborately knotted cravats and perhaps sashes round the waist.
The waistcoat was later changed to a red check one, and in the following story the cravat became red and polka-dot.
It is mounted on a staff with a gilt condor finial; below the finial is a cravat in the national colours with decorations attached.
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to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people

Về việc này

Xem thêm: Hướng Dẫn Cách Lập Dàn Ý Là Gì, Cách Để Lập Dàn Ý: 9 Bước (Kèm Ảnh)




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