Alternatively, one can propose a general licensing principle that permits such violations at that level.

Đang xem: Cầu hôn tiếng anh là gì

The model should be replaced only if an alternative model is proposed which provides a better summary of the 81 tasks.
As the alternative for the stiff systems (having high ratio gears, high friction, etc.) we propose to use the tactile sensors.
The proposed method uses well-known theoretical procedures that are similar to those used in the serial link approach.
Lastly, suggestions for future investigation of this too common and debilitating syndrome will be proposed.
However, they propose that ultimately the story schema becomes an amalgam of these two sources which either condenses or ignores many aspects of experiential knowledge.
Crocker proposes that individual researchers are, to varying degrees, “insiders” or “outsiders” to the community they work in.
Nevertheless, the new planning-control dichotomy he proposes, though a valuable advance, is itself an oversimplification of what must be a multi-channel system.
As the proposed algorithm uses terrain information which is obtained in real time, the turnover stability index is changed each time.
Instead, she proposes a different approach for understanding why stories are convincing – why people believe them and pass them on.

Xem thêm: Tỷ Giá Chéo Là Gì ? Những Cách Tính Tỷ Giá Chéo Đơn Giản Nhất

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used to describe a place that does not have a roof, or an event that takes place outside

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