Furthermore, children manifested a marked increase in pretend-play with toy objects that were replicas of real objects specifically designed to stand for other objects.

Đang xem: Giả vờ tiếng anh là gì

There is no point in pretending that buyer-seller relationships are ships passing in the night, always a short-term swap.
It does not pretend to replace more exhaustive volumes, but does provide all the information needed for many soil analyses and their interpretation.
I do not pretend to have answered all criticisms, or even to have understood every objection suggested to me.
Governments and ruling parties which pretended to be warm and friendly turned out to be ruthless and destructive.
These metaphysical remnants, however, neither express nor pretend to offer any metaphysical claims apart from the normative context.
I”m sure some of them are just pretending they”re straight to their friends, but it”s become hard to tell them all apart.
Otherwise, we forever run the risk of remaining detached and of pretending that we can occupy a position entirely outside ideological discourse.
This is, however, not an excuse for being careless about facts and for acting politically while pretending objectivity.
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someone with a very great ability that usually shows itself when that person is a young child

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The icing/frosting on the cake: differences between British and American idioms



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