They will find half the cost of invigilating during those free periods from a special donation and half from funds at their disposal.

Đang xem: Giám thị tiếng anh là gì

A system whereby one is able to monitor and invigilate carefully what is happening is part of the process of membership.
He suggested that the nationalised boards were tending to become hypochondriacs and that we were invigilating them too much.
But there are some very poor galleries and some which are badly invigilated, and that is another matter which ought to be studied.
Each individual may have a claim for special damages besides the general damages being claimed, and that has to be very carefully invigilated.
It is a capacity which cannot in any circumstances be effectively inhibited or invigilated by any inspectorate system.
The council is also concerned about the standing advisory council”s duty to invigilate and adjudicate upon applications to opt out.
I worry about the number of people engaged in this kind of pursuit and many others who are there to invigilate adherence to the law.
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